Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ways of losing weight without dieting !

here are some tips of losing weight without dieting which i wanna share here !!!

1. Eat slower.... Savor each bite and make it last until the bell chimes!!

2. Sleep more makes people feel less hungry !! There’s evidence that getting too little sleep revs up your appetite, making you uncommonly hungry.

3. Eat more vegetables than meats...

4. Add soup to your day and you’ll fill up on fewer calories.

5. Whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat, and whole wheat also belong in your stealthy weight loss strategy.

6. For Pizza, choose vege topping instead of meats !! should go for VEGE !!

7. Drinking green tea may also be a good weight loss strategy.

8. Home sweet home !! Eat home-cooked meals at least five days a week to live like a thin person.

9. Exercise !!! Walk 1 mile, about 20 minutes.
Pull weeds or plant flowers for 20 minutes.
Clean house for 30 minutes.
Jog for 10 minutes.

Well,you don't need heavy exercises to keep your body thin !! 20-30mins exercise per day will keep your body as healthy as they always are !
